Trademark application italy

Trademark registration Italy

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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Italy?

The costs of trademark in Italy depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get  protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.


How do you get a trademark registration in Italy?

If you intend to realize a trademark registration in Italy, you can achieve this in three different ways:

  1. national
  2. European Union
  3. International

With an these different routes you will have to deal with the UIBM, the EUIPO or the WIPO respectively. A registered trademark is not mandatory in Italy to obtain trademark rights. However, this is always recommended as it strengthens the trademark and ownership status. If your trademark is not used within five years of registration, it can be canceled.


Trademark registration in Italy: word mark, figurative mark or a combination thereof?

Filing a mark in Italy can take place at different levels. This means that you can register your brand at word level (brand name) as well as image level (logo) or combined level (brand name and logo). If you prefer a combined trademark, the rights you acquire with your registration only concern this exact composition. If you want to be able to distinguish both elements separately from each other, then these are two separate procedures.

Did you not do the latter and only register a combined trademark? Still, that does not immediately mean that you are drawing the short straw. If you can demonstrate that another party uses the same brand name or logo as you and offers equivalent goods and services, you may object. In official denominations you then go into opposition. The success of your opposition attempt depends on the exact circumstances.


How to obtain a trademark in Italy via the UIBM

If you opt for a national Italian trademark, you must submit an application to the UIBM. This type of trademark registration cannot be extended to other countries. Another plus is that you can submit it immediately, without having to register in your own country. You can apply for a trademark registration for Italy in several ways at the UIBM, the Italian national trademark agency. You can complete your application online, submit a completed form to the Italian Chamber of Commerce or send it to the Ministry of Economic Development.


Does a trademark in Italy also applies to San Marino?

A trademark registered in Italy also provides you with trademark protection in San Marino, the small autonomous republic surrounded entirely by Italy. It should be noted, however, that this is only the case if you have the trademark registration carried out in Italy by the UIBM and not via the EUIPO or WIPO.


How does the application to the UIBM work?

You need various documents to apply for trademark in Italy via the UIBM. For example, you must provide the agency with a detailed description of the brand, a list of goods and / or services classified according to the Nice Classification, as well as personal details of you as the applicant, a valid correspondence address and a copy of the trademark.
Always take into account the latest payment date associated with the procedure. If the payment is made later than intended, you can run up a considerable time delay. You may submit documents that have not been submitted or have not been submitted in full up to two months after the date of application. If you are unable to meet a deadline, you can still proceed with the trademark registration procedure in Italy by making an additional payment.


After the application

When your application for a trademark in Italy has been assessed and accepted by the UIBM, it will be published for opposition. This means that a third party may object to your application during this three-month period. If this does not happen, trademark registration in Italy is a fact. Registered trademarks are valid in Italy for ten years from the date of application. You can extend the duration indefinitely, each time for a period of ten years. An extension can be filed from twelve months before the end date of the registration.


How to apply for a trademark in Italy via other routes?

A large part of organizations opt for registering a trademark in Italy through the UIBM. However, if you prefer trademark in the the European Union, including Italy, then you should submit your application to the EUIPO. This currently includes 27 countries since the departure of Great Britain. Registered trademarks within the European Union provide you with trademark protection in Italy, just like registration at a national level. Another reason to submit an application at this level is the fact that an EU mark is quite advantageous compared to a national registration.

If you opt for an international trademark via WIPO, you must first have a basic registration in a Madrid Treaty country. The Geneva-based WIPO assesses the applications on the basis of the Madrid Protocol. However, this agency does not investigate whether your trademark is also eligible for protection.

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Trademark registration Italy