Trademark registration Greece
Register your trademark in Greece online in 3 steps…
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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Greece?
The costs of trademark registration in Greece depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.
- Includes all fees
- extra class
- Includes all fees
- up to 3 classes
extra class
- Includes all fees
- extra class
How do you get a trademark registration in Greece?
In Greece, just like in many other countries, a so-called First to File jurisdiction applies. This means that the person who first submits an application to register a trademark in Greece, obtains the exclusive rights after approval. Only in exceptional cases can an unregistered trademark be protected. You can register a brand name in Greece at the local level at the OBI. It is not necessary to have the brand already in use. However, you can use this to strengthen its distinctive character. Foreign entrepreneurs must submit their application in Greece through a registered trademark attorney.
Registering a combined trademark in Greece
A mark can consist of a single element, but also of a combination thereof. We then speak of a combined brand. If your trademark has both word and figurative aspects, the protection of your trademark applies to the specific combination of both, as you have submitted it to the OBI. This does not mean that you can only use your brand in this way. It is allowed to apply the elements separately from each other.
Is separate registration necessary for individual elements of a mark?
If you intend to file a combined trademark, then there is a risk. Since the protection does not apply to the individual elements, other entrepreneurs are allowed to use them. Often there is nothing you can do about it. You can only object to this if they offer products or services that are very similar to yours. You then invoke the confusing resemblance they cause to this. Would you rather avoid these kinds of situations in the future? Then it is wise to submit a separate registration for the element to be used on its own.
How do absolute and relative grounds influence an application?
The OBI is the only legally qualified institute for the protection of inventions, designs and brands. The agency also provides entrepreneurs with technological information from databases used worldwide. The OBI checks the application you submit to register a trademark in Greece for both absolute and relative reasons. If an obstacle is found by the office, you will be informed. You have a month to adjust the protection application. If you consider this necessary, you may also appeal against this decision.
What are the steps in the trademark application process in Greece?
With your application you provide personal information and various documents. The required amount must also be transferred. Without the latter, the assessment cannot start. In the first instance, the committee assesses all formal requirements. If something is missing or needs to be adjusted, you have a month for this. The substantive research is carried out at the same time as the subsequent publication. After publication, third parties have three months to appeal.
What is the validity of a trademark registered in Greece?
If you have registered your brand name in Greece, it will be valid for ten years. This period starts on the registration date and can be extended indefinitely. An extension also has a term of ten years. You can request this from 12 months before the end date. There is a grace period up to and including six months after the expiry of the validity, during which you can still renew your brand name at a higher rate.
What are the rules for the active use of your brand?
When you apply for a trademark in Greece, it is not necessary to actually use the trademark at that specific moment. You are also free not to actively use your trademark during the first five years after official registration. The absence of the intention not to use the brand immediately is not seen as fraudulent. If this inactivity lasts longer than five years, there is a risk that the trademark will lose its protection due to inactivity.
How do multi-class registrations work?
Greece uses the Nice classification system. Classes 1 to 34 are for the classification of products and classes 35 to 45 are for the classification of services. If a brand can be categorized under different products or services, then that is allowed.
How does an international trademark application for Greece work?
Because Greece is a member state of the European Union, it is also possible to obtain protection in this country by registering through the EUIPO. You then apply for protection in all countries of the European Union, including Greece. Do you also want to operate outside Europe and is Greece one of the countries you have in mind? Because the country is also a member of the Madrid Protocol, you can also arrange an international trademark registration through this system. You send your application, including the application to register a trademark in Greece, to WIPO. He / she performs an initial check and then forwards your data to the local OBI.
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