Trademark registration Lithuania
Register your trademark in Lithuania online in 3 steps…
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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Lithuania?
The costs of trademark registration in Lithuania depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.
- Includes all fees
- extra class
- Includes all fees
- up to 3 classes
extra class
- Includes all fees
- extra class
How do you get a trademark registration in Lithuania?
Registering a brand name in Lithuania is mandatory in order to obtain exclusive rights over it. This is because we work on a first-to-file basis. Only in exceptional cases can an unregistered trademark still receive protection. To register a trademark in Lithuania, contact the VPD, the patent office of the Republic of Lithuania. Your application will then be processed immediately and will take place entirely locally.
Registering a mark in Lithuania on a European or international level
In addition to choosing the local route, you can also choose to register your trademark in Lithuania via an international route. You do this, for example, by applying for an EUTM registration at the EUIPO, the European Union Intellectual Property Office, with which you obtain protection in all countries that are members of the European Union. A third way to obtain trademark protection in Lithuania is through an international registration. Lithuania is a member of the Madrid Protocol. Expansion via the Madrid system is therefore possible in this country.
Checking for similar and identical trademarks
If you want to apply for trademark protection in Lithuania, it is first of all important to check that there is no comparable trademark. You obtain this certainty by performing a thorough trade mark search in various databases. If the responsible agency finds strong similarities with pre-existing trademarks, the application will be rejected. Registration costs already paid will not be reimbursed.
What information do you need to provide with your application?
If you submit an application to register your trademark in Lithuania, you must provide various information and documents. This includes the following matters:
- Personal data of the owner of the brand
- A specification of the classes in which the goods and / or services will be used
- An image of the trademark in jpg format
How does registration of a combined trademark work?
Do you want to apply for trademark protection in Lithuania? If your trademark does not only consist of word elements or figurative elements, but of a combination thereof, you have to make an extra consideration: are you also going to request a separate registration for the individual elements? Entrepreneurs who intend to use one of the elements (or both) separately for commercial activities are advised to do so. This prevents third parties from using one of these elements for their own commercial activities.
Do you decide not to register the elements separately and does the above happen? In most cases you will not successfully object to this. You do have a greater chance of success if the person in question offers very similar goods or services, which could cause confusion among consumers. How successful a registered objection is in practice depends on various circumstances.
What does it take to register a trademark in Lithuania?
The official language in which the proceedings are carried out by the Lithuanian Patent Office is Lithuanian. An application to register your trademark in Lithuania must therefore be made in this language. You can submit accompanying documents in another language. However, you must provide the agency with a translation for a maximum of two months after delivery. To obtain an official filing date, several things are needed:
- A request for registration, signed by the applicant or his representative
- A list of goods and / or services and the classes under which they fall
- Proof of payment of the official registration fee
- A signed power of attorney authorizing your representative to act on your behalf
Typically, it takes six to seven months to register a brand name in Lithuania.
What are the steps to follow for trademark protection in Lithuania?
In Lithuania, registration is possible in several classes. Within one month of receiving your application, the patent office will check whether it meets all formal requirements. In addition to checking the required documents, it is also checked whether there are absolute grounds for rejection. If everything is in order, an official application date will be issued. You will receive a copy of this, which also includes the submission number. The patent office then proceeds to further substantive research.
It then proceeds to publication in the official gazette of the Patent Office of the Republic of Lithuania. An opposition period of three months starts on the day of publication. If no one objects, the patent office will issue a registration certificate.
What is the validity period?
Although you do not have to have a trademark in use before you register, it may not remain unused for more than five years after registration. That is, if you want to avoid the risk of cancellation due to inactivity. Use of the mark should be on a commercial scale. Were you able to successfully register a trademark in Lithuania? The protection is valid for ten years. This is also the case for extensions. You can submit an extension from twelve months before the end date of a current term. There is a six-month grace period, during which you pay an additional 50 percent fee.
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