Trademark registration Finland
Register your trademark in Finland online in 3 steps…
First class for only
Additional class
All fees included
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Over 150,000 researches
We have researched availability for more than 150,000 brands and verified that they met all requirements to trademark them.
1500+ trademarks per year
Every year we register more than 1500 trademarks in all countries in the world, with objections being lodged in less than 1 percent.
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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Finland?
The costs of trademark registration in Finland depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.
- Includes all fees
- extra class
- Includes all fees
- up to 3 classes
extra class
- Includes all fees
- extra class
How do you get a trademark registration in Finland?
In order to obtain the rights to a trademark in Finland, you must register this trademark. There is a so-called First to File jurisdiction in the country: the person who registers a trademark first obtains the exclusive rights over it. You can also register a trademark locally at the PRH, the Finnish patent office. Registration in Finland also grants you protection in the Åland Islands, an autonomous archipelago located between Sweden and Finland. Since Finland is a member of the European Union, EUTM trademarks are also protected here. In addition, expansion of international trademark registration via the Madrid System is also possible.
The distinctive character of a trademark
If you want to apply for a trademark in Finland, it is not necessary to have it in use prior to registration. Active use in the past does, however, reduce the chance of rejection on the grounds of poor distinctive character. The use of a brand makes an important contribution to its distinctiveness.
Registration from the date of application
In exceptional cases you can rely on an accelerated process. Fast registration of a mark in Finland is possible, for example, when there are ongoing legal proceedings regarding the trademark. Wanting to launch a brand in the near future is not a valid reason for an accelerated procedure. If your application for registration is approved, protection will apply from the date you submitted the application. This applies to the accelerated and the regular application. This means that if you decide to file a trademark in Finland today, it will take priority over an application filed tomorrow.
Applying for a combined trademark in Finland
A combined mark means a mark that consists of both word elements and figurative elements. If you are going to register a combined trademark in Finland, this will apply to the specific combination of both elements. If you also want to use the word element or figurative element separately from the other, then no protection applies. If you want this, you must submit a separate application. Entrepreneurs who fail to do so run the risk that a third party can use this element. You can only object if his product or service is very similar to yours.
Duration and renewal
Although a product or service does not need to be in use before you register the trademark in Finland, it cannot remain unused for more than five years after registration. If this does happen, there is a possibility that your trademark will be deleted from the registers. Incidentally, use of the registered trademark must be on a commercial scale.
Registered trademarks are valid in Finland for ten years from the date of application. You can continue to renew this registration indefinitely and do this for a period of ten years each time. You may submit an extension request from twelve months before the expiry date. Extension is still possible up to six months after the end date; you will pay higher costs during this grace period. If you are later, a completely new application for trademark registration must be submitted.
Is a trademark search prior to submitting your application necessary?
Before applying for a brand name in Finland, it is important to do proper research into existing brands. By properly mapping out which brands exist and which products and services they offer, you increase the chance of success of your application. You can do research via the website of the Finnish patent office PRH. You have access to basic data of trademark applications and registered marks in Finland and international (WIPO) registrations in which Finland is indicated.
Is it mandatory to file a trademark online in Finland?
Since 1 May 2019, it is only possible to submit an application online at the PRH. Only in exceptional cases will a paper or e-mail request be accepted. Submitting your application online is fast and cheap. After sending your data and documents you will immediately receive a confirmation of receipt. You must also make the payment immediately during this process. The application cannot be processed without payment.
The process steps from the application date
If an initial check of the formal requirements leads to approval, the actual process is started. If no obstacles exist as a result of the formal investigation, your trademark application will be published in the trade gazette. It appears twice a month: on the fifteenth of the month and on the last day of the month. Third parties have two months to object after publication.
Are adjustments possible after registration?
If you have successfully registered your trademark in Finland, making changes is then no longer possible. Only very small adjustments that do not affect the overall appearance of the brand are allowed. It is also no longer possible to add new goods or services after a successful application. If you nevertheless wish to protect it, you must submit a new application for your changed brand name.