Trademark registration Slovakia
Register your trademark in Slovakia online in 3 steps…
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Second and third class
Additional class above third
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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Slovakia?
The costs of trademark registration in Slovakia depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.
- Includes all fees
- second and third class
extra class
- Includes all fees
- up to 3 classes
extra class
- Includes all fees
- second and third class
extra class
How do you get a trademark registration in Slovakia?
Registering a brand name in Slovakia is mandatory in order to claim the exclusive rights thereto. The country has a first-to-file jurisdiction. Only in very exceptional cases can the rights over an unregistered trademark be protected. If you want to register a trademark in Slovakia, you should contact INDPROP, the Slovak intellectual property agency. Applications in several classes are possible in the country. So there is no need to submit a separate application for each class.
What can you register as a trademark in Slovakia?
If you want to register a brand in Slovakia, you can use various elements or a combination thereof. In this country, you are allowed to use words (including personal names), designs, letters, numbers, colors, the shape of goods or their packaging, sounds and more. Any element that:
- is able to distinguish your goods or services from other companies and
- be registered in the Trademark Register, so that the scope of its protection is clear to both authorities and the general public,
can be accepted as trademark.
How does the application procedure work?
If you want to register a brand name in Slovakia, you go through the same step-by-step plan as any other entrepreneur who wants to have his product or service protected in this country. The procedure corresponds to the one used in most other European countries. The application procedure includes a formal review, a check on the distinctiveness of your product or service and a trademark search for existing trademarks. The procedure usually takes about six months.
The opposition period
After the review by the Slovak Intellectual Property Office, your trademark will appear in the Slovak Trade Bulletin. Third parties are then given three months to object. In the event of an objection, the overall duration of the application procedure will be longer. Third parties can, among other things, lodge an objection if they believe that the acceptance of your trademark will lead to infringement of their already registered trademark.
Filing a combined brand in Slovakia
If you want to register a brand name in Slovakia and it consists of several types of elements, we speak of a combined brand. The trademark protection you obtain from this applies exclusively to the combination of elements as you have registered it with the Slovak Intellectual Property Office. This also implies that you may use the individual elements of your trademark separately from the rest for commercial purposes, but that these elements are not protected in themselves.
If you intend to also use one of the separate elements to promote your product or service, then you would do well to start a separate registration procedure for this. If you fail to do this, a third party can use your brand element legally and therefore without consequences. Only if he or she offers the same or very similar goods or services, you can object to this on the grounds of confusing similarity. The success of such an objection is variable.
How long is the protection of a trademark valid?
If you have succeeded in registering a brand name in Slovakia, the resulting protection will be valid for a period of ten years. After this period you do not have to submit a new application, but you can request an extension. An extension also has a duration of ten years. You can request an extension of trademark protection as early as twelve months before the end date of the current term. There is also a grace period of six months, during which you can still realize an extension for a higher fee.
Actively using your trademark
Although a trademark does not have to be in use to register it, you cannot leave it inactive indefinitely. Five consecutive years of non-use from the registration date leads to the risk of cancellation of the trademark. The Slovak Intellectual Property Office may decide this on the basis of an objection from third parties. To avoid cancellation, the use of your brand within that period must be on a commercial scale.
The validity of a registered trademark
If you have been able to register your trademark in Slovakia, trademark protection will take effect retroactively on the application date. Trademark protection can be unlimited in the country. All you have to do is apply for renewal every ten years. This is possible from 12 months before the end of the current registration period. If you are unable to do this on time, you can submit a request for an extension for another six months after that date at a higher cost. This is called the grace period.
How does registration work outside Slovakia?
Do you want to expand your commercial activities to even more countries? Then you can also apply for an EUTM registration based on your Benelux registration. A successful procedure will give you trademark protection in all countries of the European Union, including Slovakia. Slovakia is also a member of the Madrid Protocol. This means that extension of an international registration through the Madrid System is possible in this country.
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