Trademark registration Kosovo
Register your trademark in Kosovo online in 3 steps…
First class for only
Second and third class
Additional class above third
All fees included
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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Kosovo?
The costs of trademark registration in Kosovo depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.
- Includes all fees
- second and third class
extra class
- Includes all fees
- up to 3 classes
extra class
- Includes all fees
- second and third class
extra class
How do you get a trademark registration in Kosovo?
In Kosovo, trademark registration is necessary to obtain exclusive rights over a trademark. There is a jurisdiction in the country on a first-to-file basis, which means that the first person to register a trademark obtains the rights to it. Only in exceptional cases can an unregistered trademark be protected. Applications to register a trademark in Kosovo must be submitted to the KIPA, the intellectual property office of the Republic of Kosovo.
Does a trademark have to be in use prior to registration?
In contrast to several other countries, a trademark in Kosovo does not have to be in active use in order to be able to register it. However, this does not alter the fact that its use may be useful in reducing the likelihood of rejection for lack of distinctive character. The active use of a trademark contributes greatly to its distinctiveness. The use must take place on a commercial scale.
The fast application procedure
In Kosovo it is possible to apply for trademark protection more quickly. However, this request will only be honored when a legitimate reason is given, such as trademark infringement. Additional costs will be charged for the accelerated procedure. You apply for the procedure after submitting the application and you need the following documents:
- A copy of the application for trademark protection, as submitted to the intellectual property office
- Documents indicating that a civil case has been initiated
- Documents that provide evidence of trademark rights or alleged infringement thereof
- Proof of payment for the registration procedure, regardless of the number of classes
Filing a combined mark in Kosovo
If you want to register a trademark in Kosovo, it can be a trademark that consists of word elements, figurative elements or a combination thereof. In the latter case, it is important to be aware that the trademark protection you receive after going through the procedure only applies to the specific combination of elements as you have submitted to the intellectual property office. The word element and the logo are not protected separately from each other.
This may imply that a third party can use these elements for his or her brand. As an entrepreneur, you cannot do anything about this in most cases. An official objection to this can only be successful if this third party offers products and / or services that are the same as or are so similar to the one you offer that there is a confusing resemblance. However, in order to avoid a procedure, it is best to submit a separate application for the individual elements if you wish to use them commercially.
The application procedure in Kosovo in a nutshell
Do you intend to register a trademark in Kosovo? An application consisting of several categories is allowed in this country. Foreign applicants who do not live in Kosovo and do not have a registered business there should use a local trademark specialist to apply. A power of attorney must also be submitted. The Intellectual Property Office deals with formal and substantive testing. When approved, the application for your trademark is published in the official KIPA bulletin. Third parties have three months from the date of publication to object.
Applying for a trademark in Kosovo: the importance of a trademark search
Before submitting an application to register a trademark in Kosovo, it is important to check whether your trademark can actually be registered as such in the country. This also means that you should check if there are any trademarks that are very similar to your trademark. In that case, your application will not be approved; in order to register a trademark in Kosovo, it must be sufficiently original.
Also, no general terms may be used in relation to the product or service. This detracts from its distinctive character and would severely hinder other entrepreneurs using similar products or services. Of course you also check whether a trademark is legal. Some words are prohibited by law.
Period of validity and renewal
Have you been able to register a brand name in Kosovo? This is then valid for ten years, starting on the application date. The protection can be renewed indefinitely and each time for a period of ten years. You can request an extension from six months before the end date of the current period. There is also a six-month grace period within which you
– against payment of a higher fee – you can still extend your trademark protection in Kosovo.
International routes to trademark protection in Kosovo
Kosovo does not belong to the European Union, which means that registering a trademark in Kosovo at European level is not an option. Kosovo is also not one of the countries that have signed the Madrid Protocol. This also means that it is not possible to apply for trademark protection in Kosovo through international expansion. Untill today, a national application for your trademark is the only option.
Register your trademark online?