Trademark application europe

Trademark registration Europe

Register your trademark in Europe online in 3 steps…

First class for only

Second class

Additional class above second


All fees included


Money back guarantee


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Free trademark search


Stop copycats

Over 150,000 researches

We have researched availability for more than 150,000 brands and verified that they met all requirements to trademark them.

1500+ trademarks per year

Every year we register more than 1500 trademarks in all countries in the world, with objections being lodged in less than 1 percent.

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European trademark registration explained in just under three minutes…

What are the costs of a trademark registration in Europe?

The costs of trademark registration in the European Union depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.


How can you register a trademark in Europe?

You can register a trademark in Europe by having it entered into the European trademark register. The brand has to meet certain criteria to ensure it is not rejected when it is deposited, because in that case no trademark rights would be granted.

The registration process for the EU comprises of 7 steps, namely:

  1. Research into previous registrations
  2. Determining the classification
  3. Submitting the trademark to the European Trademark Registry
  4. Assessment of absolute grounds and formal requirements
  5. Publication
  6. Legal opposition period of three months
  7. Entry into trademark registry

What is a European Community Trademark?

The European Community Trademark or CTM is the trademark registration in Europe that ensures protection in all Member States of the EU at once. This means you would not have to register in every country individually and it allows you to register your trademarks in the European Union at a very low rate.

It is important to note, however, that this does not mean you are protected in all of Europe, but only in the member states.


How does registration guarantee work?

If your trademark is refused for distinctive character, you will normally lose the costs incurred. Our 100% registration guarantee ensures that this is not the case and you will receive a new registration for the goods and services free of charge in the same jurisdiction and class (es) if the trademark is refused on absolute grounds. This guarantee does not exist at the EUIPO.

This promise applies if we have not warned against refusal on distinctiveness  and the trademark is nevertheless refused.


In which countries is a European trademark registration valid?

The countries in which the European trademark registration is valid are:

Czech RepublicNetherlands

How can you apply for a trademark registration search in the European Union

Before we submit a trademark, we always do free, widespread research. This will quickly show if there is brands with the same name, so we can efficiently determine the chances of objection.

In addition, we also research similar brands to see if there is any chance of objection by owners of older trademarks.

Of course it is always possible to have us do comprehensive research. We will then draw up an extensive analysis of all similar brands to map out the chances of objection or rejection of the trademark. This will give you more security that your registration will be successful.



What is the duration of a trademark registration in the European Union

A European trademark is protected for ten years. You can apply for an extension of your trademark from up to 6 months before the expiry date to extend the validity for another ten years. In principal, a brand can be protected indefinitely if it is extended within the set time period.

If you do not register before the expiry date, the delai de grace will enter into force. This is a sort of grace period in which you still get the chance to renew your trademark. If you do not renew within this period, the trademark expires and all of your rights really are gone. It is not possible to restore this.

Trademark registration online

Trademark registration Europe