Trademark registration Hungary
Register your trademark in Hungary online in 3 steps…
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Second and third class
Additional class above third
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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Hungary?
The costs of trademark registration in Hungary depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.
- Includes all fees
- second and third class
extra class
- Includes all fees
- up to 3 classes
extra class
- Includes all fees
- second and third class
extra class
How do you get a trademark registration in Hungary?
In Hungary, no exclusive rights over a trademark can be acquired without a trademark registration. In this country a First to File jurisdiction applies, which means that the rights over a trademark are granted to whoever registers it first. To register a trademark in Hungary it is not necessary to have it already in use. However, this can be useful, as its active use contributes to its distinctive character: an important criterion in the assessment of an application for trademark registration.
Trademark registration at national, European and international level
If you want to register a brand name in Hungary, you can achieve this in various ways. Firstly, you can arrange this at a national level via the HIPO, the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office. It is also possible to apply for European trademark protection via the EUIPO. This gives you protection in all 27 countries of the European Union, including Hungary. Hungary is also a member of the Madrid Protocol. Renewal of an international registration via the Madrid System is therefore also possible for this country.
Registering a combined brand in Hungary: you should consider this
If you want to apply for a combined trademark in Hungary, you should consider whether you want to be able to use one of the separate elements separately from the other for commercial activities. If the answer to that question is “yes”, it is wise to request a separate registration for this element. If you don’t do this, a third party could use this element for its product or service. It is not registered.
If the latter is the case, there is one situation in which you can object to this. This is possible when the product or service offered by this party is the same as yours or is very similar to it. You then lodge an objection on the basis of confusing resemblance. How successful such an objection is depends on the situation.
What are the steps of the trademark registration process in Hungary?
When you have submitted an application for trademark protection to HIPO, the competent committee will deal with the assessment. In a first phase, it is checked whether the application meets various requirements. The list of goods and services is an important part of this. Incidentally, this must be provided in the Hungarian language. Only when the application costs have been paid, your application can be processed further.
When your application for trademark registration in Hungary has passed the first assessment round, the formal, substantive assessment will start. If the committee finds problems or defects, you will be informed and you will be given the time to make adjustments. If there are no obstacles, you will receive a message that your application for trademark registration will be published. This happens in the gazette of the HIPO. Third parties then have three months to object. After official registration you will receive a certificate including an extract from the Hungarian trade register.
How do the fast and extra fast track work?
There are conceivable situations in which it is important the procedure regarding trademark registration and
protection. For example when there are legal proceedings. When you submit a request for this, the responsible HIPO committee will start the accelerated assessment procedure within one month. You must have transferred the additional costs associated with this no later than one month after submitting the request.
In addition to an accelerated procedure, an extra accelerated procedure is also possible. What they do is register the trademark at the same time as it is published in the gazette. The condition is that the registration cannot become official until the time frame for opposition has expired. An application for an additional accelerated procedure, like the accelerated procedure, can be submitted within one month of the initial application. This option is no longer possible at a later stage.
Using your mark on a commercial scale
If you want to register a brand name in Hungary, you do not have to submit an intention to use it. Nor does it have to be already in use. In fact, in the first five years after you register, you don’t have to use your trademark at a commercial level. Or even better: you do not have to use your brand in the first five years. If the inactivity of your trademark lasts longer than five years, there is a risk that it will be removed from the registers. After five years, the use of your brand should take place on a commercial scale.
Hoe lang is een registratie geldig?
If you have successfully registered a trademark in Hungary, this is then valid for ten years. You can request an extension from twelve months before the end date. Extensions are also valid for ten years and can be requested as often as you want. Are you late? There is a six-month grace period. After each extension, you will receive a new certificate and extract from the trade register from HIPO.
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