Trademark registration Macedonia
Register your trademark in Macedonia online in 3 steps…
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Second and third class
Additional class above third
All fees included
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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Macedonia?
The costs of trademark registration in Macedonia depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.
- Includes all fees
- second and third class
extra class
- Includes all fees
- up to 3 classes
extra class
- Includes all fees
- second and third class
extra class
How do you get a trademark registration in Macedonia?
Macedonia, officially called the Republic of North Macedonia, is a country belonging to the Balkan Peninsula in Southeastern Europe. In order to protect your trademark in this country, it is necessary to register it. This is because there is a first-to-file basis. Only in exceptional cases can unregistered trademarks in Macedonia obtain protection. You must submit an application for trademark protection to the SOIP, the State Office of Industrial Property. In North Macedonia it is not necessary to already have a trademark in use before applying for trademark protection.
In Macedonia, as in most other countries, the eleventh edition of the Nice Classification is used. Brand protection in multiple classes is possible, so you do not have to submit a separate application for each class. Foreign applicants are required to register their trademark in Macedonia through a trademark specialist. The entire process takes between six and twelve months.
What do you need to register a trademark in Macedonia?
If you intend to file a trademark in Macedonia, you need several things to obtain an official application date. This concerns:
- The application form
- Personal data of the applicant
- An image of the trademark
- List of goods and services, drawn up on the basis of the Nice Classification
- The original signed power of attorney
- If applicable: a certified copy of the priority document, including a Macedonian translation no more than ninety days after submission thereof
How can you register a combined trademark in Macedonia?
Some brands consist of word elements, other brands are a logo and yet other brands are a combination of both. We also call this last category combined brands. If this also applies to your trademark, it is important to know that the exclusive rights that you obtain with trademark protection only apply to the exact combination as you submit it to the Macedonian trademark office. In other words: the loose word element or figurative element in itself is not protected.
If you want to prevent third parties from lawfully using one of these elements in the future, it is important to also record the separate elements of your brand in Macedonia. This means that you submit one or more additional applications. Some entrepreneurs do not do this because of the extra work that this initially takes. However, you will never be able to object to the use of an element of your brand in the future. An exception to this is when another entrepreneur markets the same or very similar products or services.
What is the process for registering a trademark in Macedonia?
Anyone who intends to register a trademark in North Macedonia goes through a number of process steps in a fixed sequence. After submitting your application, the patent office will consider the formal requirements. When all necessary information has been provided, it is checked whether the application complies with all legal provisions. No consideration is given to any existing trademarks. If all provisions are met and the registration fee has been paid, your application will be published in the official SOIP newspaper “Glasnik”. Third parties then have three months to file an opposition.
If there is no opposition, the SOIP will decide positively on the allocation of exclusive trademark rights. The trademark will be included in the trademark register and will again be published in the newspaper. A certificate will be issued to you within six months after this official publication. The entire trademark registration procedure takes nine to twelve months.
The period of validity and extension of trademark protection in Macedonia
Although you do not need to have a trademark in use in Macedonia to register it, it cannot remain unused for more than five years after registration. After that period, there is a risk of cancellation of the trademark due to inactivity. However, you do not have to submit an intention to use the trademark at any time.
If you have successfully registered a trademark in Macedonia, it will be valid for ten years. This period starts with retroactive effect from the application date and can be extended indefinitely. Extensions are made each time for a period of ten years. You can request an extension from twelve months before the end date of the current period. There is also a nine-month grace period. You will then pay extra costs for this late extension. The new protection period always starts on the day after the end date of the previous period.
International registration
North Macedonia is not a member of the European Union, which means that EUTM applications for trademark protection are not possible in all Member States. North Macedonia is a member of the Madrid Protocol. Expansion of an international registration via the Madrid System is therefore possible in this country. If you have a basic registration, you should contact WIPO. After an initial review by this office for international trademark registration, your application will be forwarded to the SOIP and further processed locally.