Frequently Asked Questions
Discover easily online with the help of our short videos what you need to know about trademarks before you file…
How to trademark a name
Discover how to trademark a name step by step so you know what to look out for and what can go wrong when trademarking a name.
How to trademark a logo
Discover how to trademark a logo step by step so you know what to look out for and what can go wrong when trademarking a logo.
How to trademark a phrase
Discover how to trademark a phrase step by step so you know what to look out for and what can go wrong when trademarking a phrase.
How much does a trademark cost?
The costs of a trademark registration depend on a number of factors. For example the number of classes and countries you want to file in.
How long does it take to register?
How long it takes to register a trademark depends on which countries you want to apply for and whether you use the international or national route.
What trademark classes are there?
A trademark needs a scope of protection and that goes through Nice trademark classes. The Nice classification consists of 45 classes.
How long does a trademark last?
A trademark lasts as long as it is renewed. So, if renewed in time, a trademark registration can last forever.
What are the requirements?
In general, wherever you are in the world, your trademark must have distinctive character and may therefore not be descriptive.
What about infringement?
Trademark infringement occurs when others use or misuse a registered trademark…
What about avoiding infringement?
Avoid trademark infringement by registering your trademarks in the countries you do business in…
In which countries can I register?
Discover the countries in which you can register your trademark and immediately check what the costs are.