Trademark registration Montenegro
Register your trademark in Montenegro online in 3 steps…
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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Montenegro?
The costs of trademark registration in Montenegro depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.
- Includes all fees
- second and third class
extra class
- Includes all fees
- up to 3 classes
extra class
- Includes all fees
- second and third class
extra class
How do you get a trademark registration in Montenegro?
Montenegro has a first-to-file jurisdiction, which means that it is necessary to register a trademark in order to obtain exclusive rights over it. Only in exceptional cases can an unregistered trademark be protected. An application to register a trademark in Montenegro is made through the ZISCG, the Montenegrin Intellectual Property Office. To register a trademark in Montenegro, it is not necessary to have it already in use. However, this can help to reduce the chance of rejection due to insufficient distinctive character. Distinctiveness obtains a trademark partly through its use.
What can you register as a brand in Montenegro?
If you want to apply for a trademark in Montenegro, it may consist of letters, signs, numbers and colors that are a graphical representation of a company to identify goods and services. Sounds, stamps and shapes can also be part of a trademark as long as they are used to identify goods and services in order to distinguish them from other goods and services.
Regulations that are almost identical to European laws and regulations
Montenegro is one of the most interesting European countries for entrepreneurs that are not members of the European Union, as the applicable laws regarding trade and trademark protection are almost identical to the European ones. The country is also preparing to join the European Union in the not too distant future. A few years ago, local authorities amended the Trademark Law to also require a simpler registration procedure.
Trademark protection through the international route
Those wishing to register a trademark in Montenegro can take advantage of both national and international regulations, so that the highest degree of protection can be enjoyed. Montenegro is not a member of the European Union, but it is a member of the Madrid Protocol. This means that international expansion of trademark protection is possible in this country. You then submit your application to WIPO, which, after an initial administrative check, forwards it to the countries of your choice. The regular, local procedure is then followed in Montenegro.
Register a combined trademark in Montenegro
As mentioned earlier, a trademark can consist of several elements. If you want to register a trademark in Montenegro that consists of both a word element and a figurative element, the trademark protection obtained only applies to this exclusive combination of elements. In other words, the figurative element and the word element, when used separately, are not protected.
For a large part of the entrepreneurs, the absence of separate protection is not sufficient. They therefore submit an additional application to protect the element that they also want to use separately for commercial activities in this country. If you do not do this, you run the risk that a third party will also use it for its own commercial activities in the future. An objection to this can only be successful if the person concerned offers goods and / or services that are very similar to what you offer, or are even the same.
What do you need for an application?
Wil je een merknaam vastleggen in Montenegro, dan dien je daarvoor een aanvraagformulier in te vullen. Je aanvraag dient voorzien te zijn van de volgende informatie:
- Een aanvraag voor registratie van een handelsmerk
- Relevante persoonlijke gegevens van de eigenaar
- Het handelsmerk waarvoor bescherming nodig is
- Een lijst van goederen en diensten die onder het aangevraagde handelsmerk zullen worden geregistreerd (gebaseerd op de Nice Classificatie)
- Bewijs van betaling van de administratieve kosten
- Een door de aanvrager getekende volmacht (legalisatie/notarisering is niet vereist)
What procedure do you go through to register a trademark in Montenegro?
After you have submitted your application to the patent office, an initial investigation will be conducted in which your request will be tested on absolute grounds of refusal. If you successfully complete this investigation, your application for trademark protection will be published in the trade gazette of Montenegro. Third parties have ninety days after publication to object to this. If there is no objection, you pay registration costs for the first ten years of trademark protection.
The entire procedure to register a trademark in Montenegro takes nine to twelve months. If there is an objection following publication in the trade gazette, this will take longer. Incidentally, the registration costs depend on the type of trademark and the class (es) that are registered under the trademark.
The duration of the trademark protection
Is registering your brand name in Montenegro a fact? Although trademark protection is issued for only ten years, it can last indefinitely. Every ten years you can request an extension for another decade. You can submit your request for extension from six months before the end date of the current term. There is also a grace period of six months. Additional costs must then be paid. Although a trademark does not need to be actively used at the time of registration, it can be removed after five years of inactivity from the date of registration.