Trademark registration Colombia
Register your trademark in Colombia online in 3 steps…
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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Colombia?
The costs of trademark registration in Colombia depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.
- Includes all fees
- extra class
- Includes all fees
- up to 3 classes
extra class
- Includes all fees
- extra class
How do you get a trademark registration in Colombia?
Colombia is fast becoming one of Latin America’s premier hotspots for foreign investment and business expansion. The government invests heavily in various sectors and industries. To obtain and protect the rights to a trademark, you must register it locally in Colombia with the SIC, the Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio. This public authority falls under the country’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism. In Colombia it is possible to apply for trademark protection in several classes. However, you must describe the specific goods or services in your application.
Registering a trademark in Colombia through a trademark advisor
If you, as a foreign applicant, want to file a trademark in Colombia, you must have yourself represented by a trademark advisor. This also means that you must submit a power of attorney within two months of completing the application form. If you fail to do this, the SIC will not be able to process your application. With a power of attorney you give your trademark specialist the authorization to handle the entire application process for you.
The registration of separate brand elements
Do you want to register a brand consisting of different elements in Colombia? For example, a brand that consists of both a word and a logo? The exclusive right you acquire with registration will then only apply to the exact combination as presented to you with the SIC. This means that the name and logo are not protected separately from each other. If you want to be able to use these separately and guarantee protection, you must submit separate applications. This way you prevent third parties from using elements of your brand.
If you do not register the separate elements of your trademark in Colombia, you run the risk of infringement. In fact, this cannot actually be called an infringement, because the rights have not been established. There is only one situation in which you can object, namely when the relevant entrepreneur offers products or services that are the same as yours or that are so similar that consumers will be confused.
How does the trademark application process in Colombia work?
If you want to register a trademark in Colombia, you go through the same process that is used in the vast majority of other countries. You submit your application to the SIC, which will then conduct a formal examination. When your brand is approved, it is published in the local gazette. Third parties will then have thirty working days to oppose this. If someone objects, you will then be given thirty days to object. If no objection is raised, trademark registration in Colombia is a fact.
Register a brand in Colombia and use it actively
In Colombia it is not necessary to provide proof of use of the brand. However, that does not alter the fact that it is important to actually use your brand. If you do not do this, you will give third parties the freedom to take actions that lead to cancellation of your registration. To avoid this, a mark registered in Colombia should not go unused for more than three years from the date of registration. Colombia is a member of the Andean Community, a trade zone that also includes Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. Use of a trademark in one of these countries is therefore also valid.
How long is a trademark registered in Colombia valid?
By filing a trademark in Colombia you provide it with ten years of protection. The term starts on the official registration date. When the ten-year period comes to an end, it can be extended again. This extension also has a duration of ten years. You can renew indefinitely and from six months before the end of the current period. Are you late submitting your request? There is a grace period of six months, during which you can still submit an application for a higher fee.
What can you register as a trademark in Colombia?
You can register various things as a trademark in Colombia. For example, you can record a word or combination of words as a trademark in Colombia, but also images, figures, symbols, graphic elements, logos, monograms, portraits, labels, emblems, sounds and smells, letters and numbers, colors or a combination of colors.
International Registration
Colombia is one of the currently more than 110 countries that can call themselves members of the Madrid Protocol. This means that international trademark registration is also possible in this country. An international trademark application, which you file with WIPO, is in fact a bundle of national trademark applications. You choose for which countries you want the registration. After an administrative preliminary investigation, WIPO forwards the applications to the national trademark offices. In Colombia, the SIC will therefore process your application again. This route is particularly attractive to entrepreneurs who are active in or plan to become active in different countries.