Trademark application Bolivia

Trademark registration Bolivia

Register your trademark in Bolivia online in 3 steps…

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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Bolivia?

The costs of trademark registration in Bolivia depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get  protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.


How do you get a trademark registration in Bolivia?

In Bolivia, the mere use of a trademark does not give exclusive rights to it. To do this, you have to register your trademark in Bolivia. Trademarks are registered through SENAPI, the National Service of Intellectual Property. Registering your trademark in Bolivia prevents third parties from using it without permission. In addition to the rights to use the trademark, registration thereof also gives the right to transfer and license use. Bolivia is not a member of the Madrid Protocol. International trademark registration via WIPO is therefore not an option.


Using your brand

If you want to register a trademark in Bolivia, it is not necessary to provide proof that it is actually used. However, inactivity of a trademark makes it easier for third parties to submit a request for cancellation. To prevent this, your trademark should not be left unused for more than three years. Bolivia is a member of the Andean Pact (CAN), which also includes Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. To prevent cancellation, you can therefore also operate your brand in these countries.


Trademarks consisting of word elements and figurative elements

If you want to register a combined trademark in Bolivia, you should, as in many other countries, be aware of the fact that you only acquire rights to the specific combination. If your brand contains word elements and figurative elements, these are protected as a unique whole. This does not apply to the individual parts. This means that there is a chance that third parties will be able to use these elements for their product or service.

If you want to prevent this, you do not just have to register the combined trademark in Bolivia, but do this for the separate elements. Many entrepreneurs fail to do so. They can, however, object when a third party uses part of their trademark for goods or services that are very similar to theirs. So you have to keep a close eye on the announcement of new brands. You have thirty days after the trademark has been published to object.


What can be applied for as a trademark in Bolivia?

If you want to apply for a trademark in Bolivia, this can consist of several characteristics:

  • Words or a combination of words
  • Images, symbols, figures, logos, monograms, labels, portraits, emblems, shields
  • Letters and numbers
  • Smells and sounds
  • A color, delimited by a shape or a combination of colors
  • The shape of products or their packaging
  • Any combination of the above characteristics

Why perform a trademark search in the SENAPI database?

Before applying to register your trademark in Bolivia, it is important to perform a thorough search in the Database of Distinctive Signs of the National Intellectual Property Service (SENAPI). In this way you can check the existence of similar or identical brands to yours. Any natural person or national or foreign legal person can request a search from SENAPI. Only when no comparable trademarks appear to exist, you proceed with the actual application.


What do you need to register a trademark in Bolivia?

If you want to apply for a trademark in Bolivia, you must submit a number of documents to the responsible office. These documents must be presented in a yellow folder in the order described below.

  1. A copy of the application form PI-100, which can be requested via the SENAPI website
  2. For legal persons: the original or legalized copy of the legal representative
  3. Original proof and photocopy of payment from Bolivian Gazette account
  4. Original proof and photocopy of payment on account of SENAPI
  5. In case of registration in another country (Priority Claim): a certified copy of the document by the competent authority

What is duration of the validity of your trademark in Bolivia?

Have you been able to register your trademark in Bolivia? This is valid for a period of ten years, starting on the day your trademark was registered. A brand can be renewed infinitely often. Renewal is always for a period of ten years. To request this, you must submit a request within six months before the end of the current term. Has the end date already passed? There is a six-month grace period in which your trademark will not expire yet. An extension in the grace period does, however, entail higher costs.


Is Bolivia a member of the Madrid Treaty?

Despite the fact that Bolivia is not a member of the Madrid Protocol, the country uses the same Nice classification for categorizing goods and services. The tenth edition of this international classification system is used. Classes 1 to 34 are for goods, classes 35 to 45 are for services.

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Trademark registration Bolivia