Trademark application Bangladesh

Trademark registration Bangladesh

Register your trademark in Bangladesh online in 3 steps…

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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Bangladesh?

The costs of trademark registration in Bangladesh depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get  protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.


How do you get a registered trademark in Bangladesh?

In Bangladesh, the rights to a trademark come to the person who registers it first. We also call this the First to File jurisdiction. Only in very exceptional cases can an unregistered trademark be protected. You must submit an application for your trademark registration in Bangladesh to the DPDT, the Department of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, which is part of the Ministry of Industry.


Separate protection of word elements and figurative elements

A trademark can consist of a word element, a figurative element (logo) or a combination of both. If the latter applies to your trademark, it is important to know that the exclusive right that you acquire with the registration of your trademark only applies to the specific combination of elements as offered by you at the DPDT. In other words, the two elements are not used separately from each other. In order to optimally protect them both, it is best to submit separate applications for registration.

If you do not do this, a third party can legally use your name or logo. In many cases you cannot do anything about this. Only when an entrepreneur wishes to use one of your elements for goods or services that are very similar to what you offer – and thus confusion can occur among consumers – can the objection be successful.


How to use your trademark in Bangladesh?

Although a brand name does not have to be in use when you register it in Bangladesh, it is important to start with this after registration. In the country, the rule – laid down in the Bangladesh Trademarks Act of 2009 – applies that trademarks that are inactive for five consecutive years from the time of registration can be canceled. In this way, other entrepreneurs are not deprived of the opportunity to use a brand when they want to sell it commercially.


What do you need to know about registering a trademark in Bangladesh?

The DPDT uses the tenth version of the Nice classification for classifying goods and services. A trademark can be applied for in one of the 45 classes. Classes 1 to 34 are for goods and classes 35 to 45 are for services. As mentioned earlier, it is not possible to classify a product or service in multiple categories.

When assessing your trademark, we look at, among other things, its distinctiveness and the similarity of your trademark with any other trademarks that appear in the Bangladesh register. If the office does not approve your application after the formal investigation has been carried out, you will be given three months to adjust it. If your application is approved, it will appear in the Trademarks Journal.

Third parties will then have 120 days to lodge an objection, while the DPDT carries out its substantive investigation. However, if there are backlogs at this agency, you as an entrepreneur must expect that the term of 120 days will be exceeded.


The Trademark Search

If you intend to file a trademark in Bangladesh, you should first perform a thorough trademark search. This is not mandatory, but it does give you insight into the existence of other brands that are very similar to yours in terms of name and / or logo. A Trademark Search is therefore the basis of a successful application. This process can be performed by the DPDT. You can request this by filling in and signing a TM-4 form.


What information do you need to register a trademark in Bangladesh?

If you want to apply for a trademark in Bangladesh, you need various documents. These are:

  • The name of the brand and any logo
  • Name and address of the applicant
  • The classification and specification of the goods or services
  • Date of taking into use of the brand
  • A power of attorney (applications cannot be submitted directly by foreign entrepreneurs; they must hire a trademark specialist)
  • A completed priority form when you submit a request for expedited processing

What is the duration of the validity of your trademark?

Filing a brand name in Bangladesh is a process that typically takes between 24 and 30 months. The exact time depends on the size of the backlog in the register. The start date of an assigned registration is the date of application. From that date, your brand name is valid for seven years in Bangladesh. Renewal can be done indefinitely and is always for a period of ten years. Are you late with the application for an extension? A grace period of six months applies after the end date. After that, your trademark will be removed.

Register your trademark online?

trademark registration bangladesh