Trademark application Argentina

Trademark registration Argentina

Register your trademark in Argentina online in 3 steps…

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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Argentina?

The costs of trademark registration in Argentina depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get  protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.


How do you get a registered trademark in Argentina?

In Argentina you only get the rights to a brand name when it’s registerd a trademark. These do not come about through the use of the relevant brand. Trademarks are registered by the INPI in the South American country. To register a trademark in Argentina, you do not need to be able to demonstrate that the trademark is used on the market. This must be the case within five years after approval of your application, in order to prevent cancellation due to inactivity.

You can apply for a brand name in Argentina at a local level immediately. The procedure is completed entirely in Argentina and is supervised by local representatives from the outset. Since Argentina is not a member of the Madrid Protocol, registering a trademark is only possible at a local level.


A word mark, logo or combination thereof

As an entrepreneur you can choose to only register a brand name in Argentina, register a logo or register a combination of both. If you opt for the latter, it is important to realize that the exclusive right that you obtain with the trademark applicationonly relates to the specific combination of elements that you have submitted to the INPI. This means that the individual elements do not enjoy separate protection.


Objection based on confusing resemblance

When separate elements are not separately registered, a third party can use your brand name or logo for their own product or service. You can object to this. This only has a chance of success if the other entrepreneur offers a product or service that is very similar to yours. You raise that objection based on confusing resemblance. Objections must be submitted within thirty days of the mark’s appearance in the gazette. Your chance of success depends on the specific circumstances.


How can I renew a trademark in Argentina?

Successfully filing a trademark in Argentina means guaranteed protection for a period of ten years. This period starts on the day your trademark was successfully registered and not on the day of the application, as is the case in many countries. When the ten-year period expires, you can request an extension. This can be done in the last sixty days of the term of the current term. An extension is again issued for ten years. You can extend indefinitely.

If you are late to renew, there is a grace period of six months. You can renew your expired trademark for an additional fee. A trademark can only be renewed in Argentina if it has actually been used in the past five years. Although it does not have to be active at the time of application, it is therefore important that it becomes active afterwards.


What rights do you obtain upon registration?

Successfully filing a trademark in Argentina means that you acquire rights to various matters. These are:

  • Ownership of your brand in relation to the goods or services it provides
  • The right to use the brand only in the market
  • The right to transfer your brand to third parties
  • The right to exclusively or not license the use
  • Preventing use of your brand by third parties without your permission
  • Object to INPI application of trademarks that are confusing with yours
  • Being allowed to apply for the invalidity of confusing trademarks

Steps of the process when registering a trademark in Argentina

If you want to register a brand name in Argentina, you go through a few steps that are the same for every applicant. Before submitting the actual application, you should have checked whether the trademark is available. You do this by means of a thorough brand search in various databases. If you have assured yourself of the uniqueness of your brand, you can have your application submitted online. You will receive a file number. You can view the status of your application via the INPI Portal. The formal investigation must be carried out within thirty days.

If there are any comments regarding your application, you will be given the time to make improvements and resubmit your application. An extra rate applies for this. Seventy days after approval, your trademark application in Argentina will be published in the Trademark Bulletin. Third parties are thus informed of your application and can object to it. In the meantime, the substantive background study is carried out.


Duration of the process in Argentina

The background study takes up most of the time. You wait about 500 days for the results. In total, the entire trademark application process in Argentina takes 24 months. This may take longer if you receive oppositions after publication in the Trademark Bulletin. When your trademark is eventually registered, you will receive an alphanumeric code that you use to download your digital ownership title.

Register your trademark online?

trademark registration argentina