Trademark application Paraguay

Trademark registration Paraguay

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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Paraguay?

The costs of trademark registration in Paraguay depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get  protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.


How do you get a trademark registration in Paraguay?

To enjoy trademark protection in this country, you must register your trademark in Paraguay. You do this via the Dirección Nacional de Propiedad Intelectual, DINAPI for short. It is not necessary to already actively use a brand in the Paraguayan market to be able to register it. However, this does not alter the fact that this is useful; this reduces the chance of your application being rejected on the grounds of lack of distinctiveness. By using your brand, you strengthen its distinctiveness.


What can you apply for as a trademark in Paraguay?

In Paraguay, a trademark is defined as “any sign that has the purpose of distinguishing products or services”. A trademark in this country may consist of one or more:

  • Words, slogans, emblems, monograms, stamps and reliefs
  • Names, fantasy words, letters and numbers with different shapes or combinations, color combinations and arrangements and labels

Do you intend to register a trademark in Pakistan? Then be aware that its scope is limited to Pakistani territory.


How does trademark protection work with the help of Paraguayan customs?

Have you been able to successfully capture your brand in Paraguay? In the country, an assigned trademark is directly added to the database of the Dirección Nacional de Aduanas, the national customs office. With regard to trade-related matters, customs therefore have the same information as DINAPI. This ensures that your representative can also knock on the door of Paraguayan customs for questions or to take measures against infringement.


What are the steps for the trademark application process in Paraguay?

Applying for a trademark in Paraguay involves a clear procedure. Firstly, it is important to conduct a trademark search to determine whether the same or comparable trademarks already exist. This is how you actually determine the feasibility of a registration. If there are no similar brands, you can submit the application. Among other things, you submit a copy of your trademark, as well as a list of classes under which your goods or services fall.

Once you have submitted the application, DINAPI will begin a formal investigation. The agency examines whether the trademark meets all formal requirements. If this is the case, publication in the official trade bulletin will take place. Also, your trademark application must be published in a newspaper in the capital Asuncion for three consecutive days. For third parties, a period of sixty working days within which objections can be lodged. After this, the DINAPI conducts substantive research. Successful completion of this leads to trademark registration.


Registering a Single or Combined Brand in Paraguay

A trademark can be singular (only a word element or figurative element), but also a combination of both. If the latter is the case, trademark protection only applies to the exact combination of elements as you have offered it in your application. You can then use the individual elements for commercial purposes, but they will not be protected. If you do want this, you need to request a separate registration.

Entrepreneurs who do not do this run the risk of cutting their fingers later on. Third parties can then use the relevant element without legal restrictions for the promotion of their own product or service. You cannot object to this, unless what this other party resembles your product or service so much that confusion can arise among consumers. You therefore submit your objection on the basis of confusing resemblance.


How long is trademark protection valid in Paraguay?

Have you successfully registered a brand name in Paraguay? The trademark protection is valid for a period of ten years, starting on the official registration date and not on the application date, as is the case in many other countries. You can renew trademark protection indefinitely. Each renewal period also lasts for ten years. Are you unable to renew your trademark before the end date of the current term? Then there is a grace period of six months, during which you can still realize an extension against payment of additional costs.

To register a trademark in Paraguay it is not necessary to have it already in use. Also immediately after registration it is not necessary to use the asset on the Paraguayan market. However, if your trademark is not used for five consecutive years after registration, third parties have the right to request the cancellation of the DINAPI, for example because they themselves are interested in using this trademark.


Is only local (national) registration possible in Paraguay?

Paraguay is not a member of the Madrid Protocol. Extension of international registration through the Madrid System is therefore not possible in this country. Trademark protection in Paraguay is strictly limited to this territory. If you want to register your intellectual property in another country, you must therefore submit a separate application.

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Trademark registration paraguay