Trademark registration Oman
Register your trademark in Oman online in 3 steps…
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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Oman?
The costs of trademark registration in Oman depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.
- Includes all fees
- extra class
- Includes all fees
- up to 3 classes
extra class
- Includes all fees
- extra class
How do you get a trademark registration in Oman?
In order to obtain trademark rights, it is essential to register your trademark in Oman. The country has a first-to-file jurisdiction, which means that exclusive trademark rights are granted to the person or company that first registers this trademark. You must submit an application for trademark registration to the MOCI. In order to register a trademark in Oman, it is not necessary to have it already in use. Active use does contribute to its distinctiveness, an important point in the granting of trademark protection. Do you conduct a trademark search beforehand? Then take into account the Latin and the Arabic alphabet.
Oman is one of the member states that is a party to the Madrid Protocol. International expansion via the Madrid System is therefore also possible in this country.
What are the requirements to register a trademark in Oman?
If you are going to register a trademark in Oman, you must submit a list of goods and services according to the international Nice Classification with your application. A trademark must be distinctive from other brands in terms of shape, color and symbols. The description of the product or service must also correspond to its actual nature. In other words: a brand must represent the real meaning. Naturally, a trademark must not conflict with the policies and morals applicable in the country.
What do you need to register a trademark in Oman?
Anyone wishing to register a brand name in Oman must submit a specific number of documents to the MOCI. These documents must be provided in Arabic and concern:
- A power of attorney from the country of origin and legalized by the Embassy of Oman
- A copy of a certificate certifying entry into the commercial register
- An electronic copy of the trademark you wish to register
- Name and address of you as an entrepreneur or the company that wants to register the brand
- A description of goods and services according to the Nice Classification
What procedure do you go through to register a trademark in Oman?
If you intend to register a trademark in Oman, you will have to deal with a procedure that is slightly different than in most other countries. After submitting your request, it will be assessed on official and substantive grounds by the specialists of the MOCI. If there are any objections, you will be notified in writing. You then have 60 days to respond. After approval (possibly after making adjustments), payment is made for publication in the official trade bulletin.
In addition to the official trade bulletin, your trademark must also be published in a local daily newspaper. The opposition period that applies from the date of publication has a duration of ninety days. When this period is over, you will pay the following fees, which are necessary for the official registration of your trademark.
How do you apply for a combined trademark in Oman?
A trademark can consist of word elements, figurative elements or a combination of both. In the latter case, trademark protection resulting from a successful registration only applies to the combination of trademark elements as you have submitted it to the MOCI. If you use your trademark in this capacity, you enjoy full protection. It is also permitted to use the separate elements separately for commercial purposes. However, protection does not apply.
If a third party wants to use one of the separate elements of your trademark to promote his or her own product or service, he or she is fully entitled to do so. To prevent this, you start a separate registration procedure for the elements that you also want to use separately to promote your products or services. This way you are fully protected against infringement.
Oman: a country in full development in terms of intellectual property
In the Sultanate of Oman, intellectual property is an ever-growing area. Partly for this reason, the country’s trademark office has simplified the registration procedure, making it easier to protect a trademark. Registration of products and services prevents unfair competition. It is important that a trademark always describes the role and service of a product or service as accurately as possible. Falsification of meaning can even lead to authorities recalling the product.
How do you maintain the validity of Omani trademark protection?
Active use of a trademark is not required to register it in Oman. However, if your trademark is still inactive after three years, there is a risk of its cancellation. The inactivity of your brand will then be reported to the MOCI by third parties. Have you managed to register a trademark in Oman? This will be valid for ten years. Renewals, which can be issued indefinitely, have the same duration. You can request an extension from twelve months before the end date. Oman has a grace period of six months.