Trademark application North Korea

Trademark registration North Korea

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What are the costs of a trademark registration in North Korea?

The costs of trademark registration in Democratic People’s Republic Korea depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get  protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.


How do you get a trademark registration in Democratic People's Republic Korea?

Trademark registration in North Korea is necessary if you want to be sure of good trademark protection. A trademark is not automatically protected in this country. It is necessary to register your trademark. In addition to registering trademarks in North Korea, you can also register service marks and collective marks.


Trademark protection through registration

North Korea is a member of the Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Protocol. This means that trademark protection is obtained through registration. Of course you can also use a trademark without this registration, however, then you will not benefit from the necessary protection with regard to the rights. Registering your trademark is therefore necessary.


What are the requirements for trademark registration in North Korea?

For a trademark registration in North Korea you need a document that proves that your company exists legally. This may, for example, be an extract from the commercial register. Then, a local agent must file the trademark application with the Department of Trademarks and Industrial Designs. A non-legalized and non-notarial power of attorney is sufficient. You do not need a domestic registration.


How long does it take to apply for a trademark?

The application process is not easy to go through. It is important to keep in mind that this will still take some time. It is therefore true that the application process consists of several phases that must be completed in succession. The application process includes a formal investigation, a distinctiveness investigation, and an investigation into older trademarks. It takes approximately 12 months from initial filing to final trademark registration in North Korea.


How exactly does the process work?

When the application process starts, a formal investigation is conducted. Subsequently, the distinctive character is examined and an additional investigation is carried out into any older trademarks and names. Within six months of receipt of the application, it will be examined by the Trademark Registration Office. Brands receive preliminary approval. During this preliminary approval, the trademarks are already registered and published in the online system. Trademark attorneys in North Korea can access the relevant information, for example for opposition purposes.


Different options for trademark registration in North Korea

It’s good to know that you have a choice of different paths you can take to register a trademark in North Korea. You can opt for a national registration, but also for an international registration. Do you want to register your trademark exclusively in this country? Then it is sufficient to apply for national registration at a local trademark office. International registration, which is necessary in the vast majority of cases, is arranged in a different way.


How does international trademark registration through the Madrid system work?

It is possible to realize trademark protection through a single application. This is possible if you have already submitted a trademark application or if you have a trademark registration in at least one of the countries of the Madrid Union, based on the Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Protocol. In this case, you submit a single application for trademark registration through the Madrid system. The fees for an International Trademark Application (WIPO) are calculated for each individual country or for multiple countries. These therefore depend on your own preferences. It is always good to compare several options, so that you are sure that you are not paying too much, but also have the guarantee of a good trademark registration in North Korea.


What is the validity of the trademark registration in North Korea?

The opposition must be filed within 12 months of the trademark application. When a trademark is finally registered, a validity period starts. A trademark registration in North Korea has a validity period. This period starts on the date of the actual registration and lasts for 10 years. The registration is then renewable every 10 years. It is important to know that a trademark registration can be canceled earlier. If the trademark has not been used within 5 years of issuance of the registration certificate, or is not used later for an uninterrupted period of 5 years, it may be cancelled.

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Trademark registration North Korea