Trademark application Liberia

Trademark registration Liberia

Register your trademark in Liberia online in 3 steps…

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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Liberia?

The costs of trademark registration in Liberia depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get  protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.


How do you get a trademark registration in Liberia?

You have two options if you want to register your trademark in Liberia. You can apply to the Liberia Industrial Property Office (LIPO), or you can apply at the regional level to the African Regional Industrial Property Organization (ARIPO). Liberia is a member of ARIPO and a party to the Banjul Protocol. Registration through ARIPO provides protection and recognition in the following ten countries: Botswana, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, Sao Tome and Principe, Swaziland, Uganda, Mainland Tanzania, and Zimbabwe.

Make sure to provide as much information as possible that is important for the registration. This means that you must in any case transfer all contact details of yourself and your company. Think of an extract from the Trade Register, or, for example, a deed of incorporation. In addition, you submit a list of the goods or services that you trade. After all, this is not always easy to infer from a brand name. You also submit an exact copy of your brand name. Make sure everything is correct, both in color and in (three-dimensional) form. Only the brand name you supply is actually protected.


Why is registration important?

You must first understand why it is best to have your brand name registered in Liberia on time, preferably before you start trading. Other companies or individuals may find that you have a thriving business and then abuse it. If your trademark is not registered, an external party can do this. In Liberia, the person who first registers a brand name also receives all rights for the use of that name. So it can be made impossible for you to trade.

Other parties can therefore thwart your registration, but more can happen. The goods or services that you offer under your brand name can also be copied without further ado if your brand name is not registered in Liberia. So you want to prevent someone else from misusing your name and copying your merchandise, and you do that by registering your trademark in time.


What are the benefits of a trademark search in Liberia?

To find out to what extent you can protect your trademark in Liberia, you can first do a trademark search before filing an application for registration. That way you can find out which existing marks may resemble your application. This way you immediately know how things work and whether you can protect your brand. You can only do a trademark search in Liberia in terms of text, not on the basis of visual elements.


Why protect each part of your brand?

Because only the exact brand name that you register is actually secured, you also have to take the individual elements of that name into account. For example, if you use an image together with a text, those two parts are protected together, but not separately. You must therefore make a separate application for each element of the brand name that may not be used by third parties. If you don’t do this, you run the risk that someone else will run off with part of your brand name.

When it is too late and your brand name has already been infringed, there is often not a man overboard. In some cases you can object. If someone partially copies your brand name and starts offering similar goods or services under that name, this is referred to as confusing similarity. It is always uncertain how likely it is that filing an objection will help. After all, every situation requires customization.


How many years is your trademark valid?

You can register your trademark in Liberia for a period of 15 years. The registration is valid from the moment you submit the application. If the validity is about to expire, you can request an extension from 6 months before the end date, each time for 15 years. This is no longer possible after the expiry date, so be on time.

If you have registered a trademark but are not actively involved in it, you should pay extra attention. If your brand name has not been used for more than 3 years, its validity will expire. This means that you need to show minimal activity from time to time to continue protecting your brand name.

Register your trademark online?

Trademark registration Liberia