Trademark application Central African Republic

Trademark registration Central African Republic

Register your trademark in Central African Republic online in 3 steps…

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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Central African Republic?

The costs of trademark registration in Central African Republic depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get  protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.


How do you get a trademark registration in Central African Republic?

The OAPI is the trademark registration body in the Central African Republic. The Organization Africaine de la Propiété (OAPI) regulates everything to do with intellectual property and trademark registration. In total, seventeen member states are members of this organisation. This mainly concerns French-speaking countries, including the Central African Republic and countries such as Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon and Senegal.


In how many countries is the trademark valid?

A distinguishing feature of OAPI membership is that it is valid in all seventeen member states. So a trademark registration in the Central African Republic is also immediately applicable in Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Senegal and all other member countries. In addition, the OAPI is a member of the Madrid Protocol. This international protocol makes it possible to arrange a worldwide trademark registration. The Madrid trademark registration facilitates protection in more than a hundred countries with just one application.


Right to r symbol

Trademark registration in the Central African Republic stands for exclusivity and protection. This gives the right to use the r symbol. This symbol is internationally recognized and shows that you have the exclusive right to the mark in question. Only registered brands are allowed to use the r symbol. This is prohibited for unregistered brands.


How does third party protection work?

Registered trademarks in the Central African Republic have the possibility to protect themselves against third parties. As soon as a third party applies for a trademark registration, you can object. The condition is that the brand (partially) resembles yours or that the relevant party wants to use the brand for comparable goods and/or services. The objection can therefore be lodged on the basis of confusing similarity.


What types of registrations are there?

There are three options for trademark registration in the Central African Republic: word mark, logo or a combination of both. The word mark is composed of only alphanumeric (letters or numbers) characters. No distinction is made between special fonts or stylized characters. The logo consists of an image, emblem or something else graphic and does not contain alphanumeric characters.


Combined Trademark

A combination between the word and figurative mark is called the combined trademark. A combined trademark therefore contains word and figurative elements. Please note that the combined trademark can only be used according to the exact registration. This means that the word or image element may not be shown separately. If you would like this, a separate trademark registration for the individual word or figurative mark is advisable.


How long does the application process take?

OAPI needs between ten and fourteen months for the trademark registration application process in the Central African Republic, provided there are no bumps in the road. The process is delayed as soon as third parties defend themselves against your application or if it appears that the application is insufficient or incomplete. It is true that the OAPI approaches the application formally and less substantively. A substantive review examines, among other things, whether identical or comparable trademarks exist.


How does objection work?

As soon as the application for your trademark registration is published in the government newspaper, third parties have six months to object. When this happens, you have to take into account considerable delays. You will have three months to respond to the defence. A hearing then follows and the process towards the verdict takes four to six months. The ruling can still be challenged, which also takes several months.


How long is a trademark valid?

An approved trademark in the Central African Republic is valid for ten years from the date of application. The trademark is renewable for periods of ten years. When the trademark has expired, there is still a grace period of six months. Here you can still renew the trademark for a fee. A trademark may remain unused for five years. After that, third parties can cancel the registration on the basis of non-use.


What information is required for a trademark application in CAR?

The OAPI accepts trademark applications for products and services. To submit the application, you as the applicant must provide, among other things, the following:

  • Full personal and address details
  • An example of the brand
  • Declaration of class(es) according to the Nice system
  • Certified copy of priority document with certified French or English translation
  • Signature of Power of Attorney

Nice classification system

To determine the classes of your services and/or products, you use the international classification system of Nice (NCL). The NCL is the standard classification system worldwide. The system is divided into 45 classes. Products are in classes 1 to 34. The other eleven are intended for services. For the exact distribution we refer to the official documents of the NCL.


Separate application for products and services

An application consists only of a trademark for goods or services. A joint application is not possible. You must submit two separate applications for this. You can register the brand in three different classes for the same price. You pay a surcharge for each additional class. There are also additional costs if you claim a color for your brand.

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Trademark registration Central African Republic