Trademark registration Maldives
Register your trademark in Maldives online in 3 steps…
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Additional class
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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Maldives?
The costs of trademark registration in Maldives depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.
- Includes all fees
- extra class
- Includes all fees
- up to 3 classes
extra class
- Includes all fees
- extra class
How do you get a trademark registration in Maldives?
You can register your brand name in the Maldives, but that is only possible if your company is also registered there. In principle, the rights to use a trademark lie with the first individual or company to trade under that trademark in the territory. But if you are planning to do business on this archipelago, it is definitely wise to register your trademark, because then you know for sure that your trademark is protected. You prevent someone else from using your brand name or copying your merchandise.
You do not need to register your trademark to trade in the Maldives. To announce to the world that you own your brand name, you can publish a simple warning message in the local newspaper. Still, registering your trademark in the Maldives is the best way to enjoy as much protection as possible. You apply for registration at the Intellectual Property Unit under the Ministry of Economic Development of the Maldives.
So please note that your company must be registered in the Maldives before you are able to register your brand name. You submit various documents with the application. Think, for example, of a list of the goods or services that you offer, and a copy of the deed of incorporation or an extract from the Trade Register of your company. You also submit a duplicate of your brand name. Think of striking shapes or colours, because only the example you submit will actually be registered.
Why registration is important
Getting the rights to a brand name based on use in the region not only takes a lot of effort, but it doesn’t give you full assurance of protection either. You run the risk of coming into conflict with another company or individual if they adopt a similar name and decide to register that brand name in the Maldives.
Not only can your brand name be taken, the goods or services you provide can also be copied and appear on the market with a different quality and value. That obviously does not benefit your trademark. Anyone can claim the rights to a brand name simply by putting it into use. In that case, it is advisable to place a warning in the local newspaper, in which you claim ownership of your brand name.
Is trademark search possible in the Maldives?
With a trademark search you can find in most countries which brand names already exist on the market you enter that resemble your trademark. However, it is not possible to do a trademark search in the Maldives because there simply is no database or register and a lot of brand names are in use without registration. By placing a warning message in the local newspaper, you at least show the rest of the world that you operate under your brand name. In this way you have at least done everything within your power to make others aware of this, and you have a big stick with any conflicts.
What should you pay attention to when applying for a trademark?
Since you want to get full protection, it is best to take all risks into account before submitting an application. A brand name often consists of several elements. For example, an image can be used, but also a word or statement. It is best to register each part separately, so you can be sure that no one else is claiming the rights to part of your brand name. By carefully registering everything, you avoid annoying conflicts about ownership, or copying behavior of your merchandise and the associated income that you miss out on. Just make sure that every part you submit for registration is the same as the original.
How can you renew your trademark?
There is no option in the Maldives to renew the rights to use a brand name. All you can do is make sure your name stays known to the general public, and keep a close eye on a similar brand name popping up in the market. To show the outside world that you use your brand name and whether or not you have registered it, it is best to put a warning message in the local newspaper every year.
Where else do you register?
Having your trademark registered in the country where your company is located is always logical and certainly in the Maldives. But even in places where you do not trade, it can be wise to secure your brand. This prevents your good name from being used without your knowledge. It can get damaged and you can miss out on sales. in most countries it is possible to register your trademark without doing business with it, so take advantage of that opportunity.
For example, also register your brand name in the countries where your merchandise is produced. Or in locations where there is a lot of competition, you also want to be protected here. Estimate the countries where you think there is an increased risk of misuse of your brand. By understanding this, you can anticipate and avoid difficult conflicts.