Trademark registration Bahrain
Register your trademark in Bahrain online in 3 steps…
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Additional class
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What are the costs of a trademark registration in Bahrain?
The costs of trademark registration in Bahrain depend on the number of Nice classes that are relevant to the trademark. Most marks need 1 to 3 classes, but it is possible to get protection in all of classes 1 through 45 of the Nice classification.
- Includes all fees
- extra class
- Includes all fees
- up to 3 classes
extra class
- Includes all fees
- extra class
How do you get a trademark registration in Bahrain?
Filing your trademark in Bahrain is essential to obtain the exclusive rights over it. There is a First To File jurisdiction in the country. You can apply for a trademark at the MOIC, the Directorate of Industrial Property, belonging to the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism. This agency has been in existence since 1955 and is one of the longest established intellectual property authorities in the Arabian Gulf region. Goods and services can be registered in only one class in Bahrain. The country uses the tenth edition of the Nice Classification.
Register your trademark in Bahrain with the help of a trademark attorney
The Kingdom of Bahrain is a country consisting of several islands: the main island of Bahrain between the peninsula of Qatar and the northeast coast of Saudi Arabia and thirty smaller islands. If you are going to register a brand name in Bahrain, it will be valid for all islands that belong to the kingdom. A request for registration can be made by a citizen, a resident of the country or an authorized office. As a foreign applicant, you must therefore file your trademark through a trademark expert authorized by the MOIC.
The Kingdom of Bahrain has made it possible to process a trademark application entirely online. The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism has launched an online portal specially designed for registering trademarks and patents. The same portal is used for filing objections against other brands and filing complaints against the refusal of an application.
Using your brand name in Bahrain
In order to register a trademark in Bahrain, it is not necessary to actually use the trademark. At least, at the time of application. However, if your trademark has not been used five years after it was registered, it may be canceled based on inactivity. This is to grant permits to other parties who want to use a similar brand for commercial purposes. Although active use is not necessary at the time of the application, this does increase your chances of acceptance. Active use of the brand contributes to its distinctiveness.
Filing a combined trademark in Bahrain
A combined brand name is a brand that consists of a word element and a figurative element (logo). The exclusive right that you obtain with the registration of your trademark is limited to the exact composition of both elements as submitted to the MOIC. There is therefore no question of separate protection for each of the elements separately from each other. Do you want to prevent another party from using part of your brand? Then it is best to capture both elements separately.
If you don’t, a competitor may be able to legally use your brand name or logo. There is nothing you can do about this, unless this party offers goods or services that are very similar to yours and can therefore create confusion among the consumer. In that case, you submit an objection. However, its success is not guaranteed and is highly situation dependent.
What are the steps in the process of applying for a trademark in Bahrain?
As an entrepreneur, if you want to register a brand in Bahrain, you go through a fixed step-by-step plan. This always starts with performing a so-called trademark search. This means searching various databases for brand names that are the same as yours or are very similar. It is best to search for your brand name in both the Latin and Arabic alphabets. You can only submit your application when the thorough trademark search has been completed.
Subsequently, the MOIC conducts a design investigation. If you pass this successfully, your brand name will be published in the official gazette. Third parties then have sixty days to object. In the meantime, the MOIC is conducting a substantive investigation. Upon successful completion, registration of your trademark in Bahrain is a fact. The entire registration process – provided no opposition is filed – takes about six months.
What is the duration of the validity of your trademark in Bahrain?
Registered trademarks are valid for ten years in Bahrain. This period starts on the date on which you submitted the application. An extension can be applied for without limitation and is valid for a further period of ten years. An extension can be requested from twelve months before the end date and is possible up to six months after its expiry. If you submit your request for extension after the term has expired, you are in the grace period. You then pay a higher contribution.
The Madrid Protocol
Bahrain is one of the few countries in North Africa and the Middle East to be a member of the Madrid Protocol since 2005. This means that you can also register a brand name in Bahrain at an international level. You do this via WIPO. You submit the application to this World Intellectual Property Organization. After an initial review, it will be forwarded to Bahrain, where the local process will be completed. Trademark registration for Bahrain takes up to 18 months internationally.